Welcome 2011! I have been itching to blog again!!! One of my new years goals for 2011!!!!! I just want to start off by saying how really thankful I am for all of you that have helped make Prissy Piggies Photography such a success this past year...I am truly blown away...I never in a million years would have thought I would be doing photography for a living if you would have asked me this a year ago...i would have laughed! It has truly been life changing....and couldn't ask for a better career....I really believe everything happens for a reason. I have met so many great people/clients/friends...people I feel like I have known my entire life! I get to witness true life and moments of new beginnings, brand new life, love and best of all laughter. I know most of you who know me well I always say i am tired..lol...but I wouldn't trade this for anything... staying up until 3am just to finish a session because I am just too excited to stop is totally worth it! It's made me realize how precious moments really are with life...how important it is to capture that...because in a flash anything can happen...and we all know our little loves grow WAY too fast! So thank you for such a wonderful year and your amazing support with my new adventure.....much love as always.
So onward to 2011...I have no idea where to start...I am just so excited and want to do so much this year! First of all I would like to welcome my new assistant Julie Heidal! She is amazing and I know you all will love her! She will be answering emails from the website, sending out contracts, setting up appointments, billing and ordering pictures and sending them out!!!!! I am so thrilled to have someone so eager to help and that is so positive with life in general...! I will post a bio about her next week!!! Can't wait!!!! This will allow things to get out in a timely manner and me to concentrate on growing my creativity and learning...as there is so much to learn in this business ...ALWAYS!!!
Speaking about up coming projects....these are some tentative idea's for mini sessions this year....giving you a sneak peek ahead:
End of January beginning of February
-boudoir valentine mini's
-vintage valentine for the kids
Tutu's and Ties/ Tea Party in the woods
Grandparents and Grandchildren
Tweens only!
Vintage Secret Garden boudoir (outdoor) (so excited about this I could pee my pants ...LOVE)
Vintage Fields for the kids
Family mini's
Winter: Christmas winter wonderland for family and kids (all tentative on snow in the mountains!)
While indulging on my time off I have been shopping/Antiquing ...I have added some great backgrounds and new props to my collection : including two of my favorite items found a cream tufted mini settee with wood carvings and an awesome tufted turquoise cane chair....with Victorian wood carvings...can you believe i found that on craigslist for $20....I about fell off my chair when i saw the listing...and looks brand new!!! Lots of new newborn items..and just received some items to photograph from
NuxieMade and
DaddyMackHats ...check out their shops...cute pictures to come featuring their products...exceptional gals and exceptional quality!
On another side note...for those of you who are familiar with the apple 365 challenge
that is circulating around facebook...at first I thought I could not commit to this...then thought about what if i took a picture of my kids everyday? Finding the joy in the little things that we might often overlook because we are so busy these days...so i am partaking in my own version... 361 Ethan and Boedy challenge! Being that I have a huge pile of scrapbooks that i KNOW i will NEVER get to ...this would be a great project to document life of them growing...and making a book at the end of the year...(which by the way I made some photo books for Christmas and by far was the best gift...we even ordered one for ourselves!)
Well...better get to bed~ First photo shoot of 2011 tomorrow morning and a crazy busy week ahead!!!! Good night!!!!! xoxo rachel
PS..Big surprise tomorrow...hint : "Pay it forward"